Project ID: plumID:23.034
Name: Urea nucleation in water: do long-range forces matter?
Category: materials
Keywords: LMF theory, Metadynamics, Nucleation
PLUMED version: 2.7.2
Contributor: Ziyue Zou
Submitted on: 20 Aug 2023
Publication: R. Zhao, Z. Zou, J. D. Weeks, P. Tiwary, Quantifying the Relevance of Long-Range Forces for Crystal Nucleation in Water. Journal of Chemical Theory and Computation. 19, 9093–9101 (2023)

PLUMED input files

File Compatible with
GT_model/plumed.dat tested on v2.10 tested on master with LOAD
SS_model/plumed.dat tested on v2.10 tested on master with LOAD
full_model/plumed.dat tested on v2.10 tested on master with LOAD

Last tested: 16 Jan 2025, 20:17:16

Project description and instructions
The three folders contain the input files for the simulations with the full model, the Gaussian-truncated model, and the short solvent model, respectively. The .intl file is the initial configuration for the urea-water system. The GT_potential.table contains tabulated Gaussian-truncated electrostatic potentials. The urea_lmf.table contains tabulated renormalized long-range electrostatic potentials in the short solvent model. The ${sys} file is the input script for LAMMPS-29Sep2021, where ${sys} stands for the corresponding model, and ${sys} is the input script if one needs to restart the simulation continued from ${sys}

Submission history
[v1] 20 Aug 2023: original submission

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