Project ID: plumID:22.039
Name: Driving and characterizing nucleation of urea and glycine polymorphs in water
Category: bio
Keywords: metadynamics, nucleation, amino acids, polymorphism
PLUMED version: 2.6.1
Contributor: Eric Beyerle
Submitted on: 02 Nov 2022
Publication: Z. Zou, E. R. Beyerle, S.-T. Tsai, P. Tiwary, Driving and characterizing nucleation of urea and glycine polymorphs in water. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. 120 (2023)

PLUMED input files

File Compatible with
urea_plumed.dat tested on v2.10 tested on master with LOAD
glycine_plumed.dat tested on v2.10 tested on master with LOAD

Last tested: 16 Oct 2024, 09:03:40

Project description and instructions
Run using PLUMED driver. plumed driver –mf_xtc ${sys}.xtc –plumed ${sys}_plumed.dat, where ${sys} is one of urea or glycine and ${sys}.xtc is the XTC file generated from a GROMACS trajectory. Of course, any other PLUMED driver supported trajectories should work, and the flag changed appropriately.

Submission history
[v1] 02 Nov 2022: original submission

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