Project ID: plumID:22.018
Source: LAT1/plumed.dat
Originally used with PLUMED version: 2.7
Stable: zipped raw stdout - zipped raw stderr - stderr
Master: zipped raw stdout - zipped raw stderr - stderr
####### Edited by KKH on 08/17/21 ############# # load extra fileLOADLoads a library, possibly defining new actions. More detailsFILE=EMMIVox.cppfile to be loaded
# include topology info - set path a PDB fileMOLINFOThis command is used to provide information on the molecules that are present in your system. More detailsSTRUCTURE=gromacs.pdba file in pdb format containing a reference structureWHOLEThe reference structure is whole, i
# define all heavy atoms - set path to index file protein-h:GROUPDefine a group of atoms so that a particular list of atoms can be referenced with a single label in definitions of CVs or virtual atoms. More detailsNDX_FILE=index2.ndxthe name of index file (gromacs syntax)NDX_GROUP=Protein-H_lig-Hthe name of the group to be imported (gromacs syntax) - first group found is used by default
# make protein whole and in the cell where map is definedWHOLEMOLECULES...This action is used to rebuild molecules that can become split by the periodic boundary conditions. More detailsADDREFERENCEDefine the reference position of the first atom of each entity using a PDB fileEMSTDefine atoms sequence in entities using an Euclidean minimum spanning treeENTITY0=1-7317the atoms that make up a molecule that you wish to alignENTITY1=7318-7368 ... WHOLEMOLECULESthe atoms that make up a molecule that you wish to align
# create EMMI score # parameters #NEED TO EDIT gmm:EMMIVOXBayesian single-structure and ensemble refinement with cryo-EM maps. More detailsTEMP=300.0temperatureNL_STRIDE=50 NL_CUTOFF=0.5 NS_CUTOFF=1.0neighbor list update frequencyNO_AVERno ensemble averaging in multi-replica modeATOMS=protein-hatoms used in the calculation of the density map, typically all heavy atomsDATA_FILE=map_plumed_align.datfile with cryo-EM mapNORM_DENSITY=1354.3429integral of experimental densityRESOLUTION=0.1 VOXEL=0.1087cryo-EM map resolutionSIGMA_MIN=0.2minimum density errorSTATUS_FILE=EMMIStatuswrite a file with all the data useful for restartWRITE_STRIDE=2500 NOISETYPE=MARGINALstride for writing status file
# translate into bias - updated every 2 time steps emr:BIASVALUETakes the value of one variable and use it as a bias More detailsARG=gmm.scorebthe input for this action is the scalar output from one or more other actionsSTRIDE=2the frequency with which the forces due to the bias should be calculated
# print output to filePrint quantities to a file. More detailsARG=gmmthe input for this action is the scalar output from one or more other actionsFILE=COLVARthe name of the file on which to output these quantitiesSTRIDE=2500the frequency with which the quantities of interest should be output