Project ID: plumID:24.003
Source: plumed_nest/diff_sequences/CH22/plumed.dat
Originally used with PLUMED version: 2.8-mod
Stable: zipped raw stdout - zipped raw stderr - stderr
Master: zipped raw stdout - zipped raw stderr - stderr
Click on the labels of the actions for more information on what each action computes
The WHOLEMOLECULES action with label calculates something =1-304 =p1The COM action with label p1 calculates the following quantities: Quantity | Type | Description |
p1 | atoms | virtual atom calculated by COM action |
=1-30 =r1The COM action with label r1 calculates the following quantities: Quantity | Type | Description |
r1 | atoms | virtual atom calculated by COM action |
=280-304 =r14The COM action with label r14 calculates the following quantities: Quantity | Type | Description |
r14 | atoms | virtual atom calculated by COM action |
=339-636 =p2The COM action with label p2 calculates the following quantities: Quantity | Type | Description |
p2 | atoms | virtual atom calculated by COM action |
=339-364 =r16The COM action with label r16 calculates the following quantities: Quantity | Type | Description |
r16 | atoms | virtual atom calculated by COM action |
=614-636 =r30The COM action with label r30 calculates the following quantities: Quantity | Type | Description |
r30 | atoms | virtual atom calculated by COM action |
=p1,p2 =dThe DISTANCE action with label d calculates the following quantities: Quantity | Type | Description |
d | scalar | the DISTANCE between this pair of atoms |
=r14,r16 =inThe DISTANCE action with label in calculates the following quantities: Quantity | Type | Description |
in | scalar | the DISTANCE between this pair of atoms |
=r1,r30 =FRETThe DISTANCE action with label FRET calculates the following quantities: Quantity | Type | Description |
FRET | scalar | the DISTANCE between this pair of atoms |
=RADIUS =1,31,64,89,122,148,177,202,225,251,280,339,365,398,423,456,482,511,536,559,585,614 =rgThe GYRATION action with label rg calculates the following quantities: Quantity | Type | Description |
rg | scalar | the radius of gyration |
=RADIUS =1,31,64,89,122,148,177,202,225,251,280 =rg_1The GYRATION action with label rg_1 calculates the following quantities: Quantity | Type | Description |
rg_1 | scalar | the radius of gyration |
=RADIUS =339,365,398,423,456,482,511,536,559,585,614 =rg_2The GYRATION action with label rg_2 calculates the following quantities: Quantity | Type | Description |
rg_2 | scalar | the radius of gyration |
=31-63 =H1The COM action with label H1 calculates the following quantities: Quantity | Type | Description |
H1 | atoms | virtual atom calculated by COM action |
=89-121 =H2The COM action with label H2 calculates the following quantities: Quantity | Type | Description |
H2 | atoms | virtual atom calculated by COM action |
=148-176 =H3The COM action with label H3 calculates the following quantities: Quantity | Type | Description |
H3 | atoms | virtual atom calculated by COM action |
=202-224 =H4The COM action with label H4 calculates the following quantities: Quantity | Type | Description |
H4 | atoms | virtual atom calculated by COM action |
=251-279 =H5The COM action with label H5 calculates the following quantities: Quantity | Type | Description |
H5 | atoms | virtual atom calculated by COM action |
=365-397 =H1_2The COM action with label H1_2 calculates the following quantities: Quantity | Type | Description |
H1_2 | atoms | virtual atom calculated by COM action |
=423-455 =H2_2The COM action with label H2_2 calculates the following quantities: Quantity | Type | Description |
H2_2 | atoms | virtual atom calculated by COM action |
=482-510 =H3_2The COM action with label H3_2 calculates the following quantities: Quantity | Type | Description |
H3_2 | atoms | virtual atom calculated by COM action |
=536-558 =H4_2The COM action with label H4_2 calculates the following quantities: Quantity | Type | Description |
H4_2 | atoms | virtual atom calculated by COM action |
=585-613 =H5_2The COM action with label H5_2 calculates the following quantities: Quantity | Type | Description |
H5_2 | atoms | virtual atom calculated by COM action |
=H1,H2,H3,H4,H5 =H1_2,H2_2,H3_2,H4_2,H5_2 =1.9 =2.2 =100 =20 =80 =COORDThe COORDINATION action with label COORD calculates the following quantities: Quantity | Type | Description |
COORD | scalar | the value of the coordination |
=H1,H2,H3,H4,H5 =H1_2,H2_2,H3_2,H4_2,H5_2 =1.9 =2.2 =100 =20 =80 =COORD =0.0
=H1,H2,H3,H4,H5 =H5_2,H4_2,H3_2,H2_2,H1_2 =1.9 =2.2 =100 =20 =80 =PAIRThe COORDINATION action with label PAIR calculates the following quantities: Quantity | Type | Description |
PAIR | scalar | the value of the coordination |
=H1,H2,H3,H4,H5 =H5_2,H4_2,H3_2,H2_2,H1_2 =1.9 =2.2 =100 =20 =80 =PAIR =0.0
# INCLUDE FILE=dihedral.dat
The INCLUDE action with label dihedral.dat calculates somethingphi1The TORSION action with label phi1 calculates the following quantities: Quantity | Type | Description |
phi1 | scalar | the TORSION involving these atoms |
: =29,31,59,62
phi2The TORSION action with label phi2 calculates the following quantities: Quantity | Type | Description |
phi2 | scalar | the TORSION involving these atoms |
: =62,64,84,87
phi3The TORSION action with label phi3 calculates the following quantities: Quantity | Type | Description |
phi3 | scalar | the TORSION involving these atoms |
: =87,89,117,120
phi4The TORSION action with label phi4 calculates the following quantities: Quantity | Type | Description |
phi4 | scalar | the TORSION involving these atoms |
: =120,122,143,146
phi5The TORSION action with label phi5 calculates the following quantities: Quantity | Type | Description |
phi5 | scalar | the TORSION involving these atoms |
: =146,148,172,175
phi6The TORSION action with label phi6 calculates the following quantities: Quantity | Type | Description |
phi6 | scalar | the TORSION involving these atoms |
: =175,177,197,200
phi7The TORSION action with label phi7 calculates the following quantities: Quantity | Type | Description |
phi7 | scalar | the TORSION involving these atoms |
: =200,202,220,223
phi8The TORSION action with label phi8 calculates the following quantities: Quantity | Type | Description |
phi8 | scalar | the TORSION involving these atoms |
: =223,225,246,249
phi9The TORSION action with label phi9 calculates the following quantities: Quantity | Type | Description |
phi9 | scalar | the TORSION involving these atoms |
: =249,251,275,278
phi10The TORSION action with label phi10 calculates the following quantities: Quantity | Type | Description |
phi10 | scalar | the TORSION involving these atoms |
: =278,280,300,303
phi13The TORSION action with label phi13 calculates the following quantities: Quantity | Type | Description |
phi13 | scalar | the TORSION involving these atoms |
: =363,365,393,396
phi14The TORSION action with label phi14 calculates the following quantities: Quantity | Type | Description |
phi14 | scalar | the TORSION involving these atoms |
: =396,398,418,421
phi15The TORSION action with label phi15 calculates the following quantities: Quantity | Type | Description |
phi15 | scalar | the TORSION involving these atoms |
: =421,423,451,454
phi16The TORSION action with label phi16 calculates the following quantities: Quantity | Type | Description |
phi16 | scalar | the TORSION involving these atoms |
: =454,456,477,480
phi17The TORSION action with label phi17 calculates the following quantities: Quantity | Type | Description |
phi17 | scalar | the TORSION involving these atoms |
: =480,482,506,509
phi18The TORSION action with label phi18 calculates the following quantities: Quantity | Type | Description |
phi18 | scalar | the TORSION involving these atoms |
: =509,511,531,534
phi19The TORSION action with label phi19 calculates the following quantities: Quantity | Type | Description |
phi19 | scalar | the TORSION involving these atoms |
: =534,536,554,557
phi20The TORSION action with label phi20 calculates the following quantities: Quantity | Type | Description |
phi20 | scalar | the TORSION involving these atoms |
: =557,559,580,583
phi21The TORSION action with label phi21 calculates the following quantities: Quantity | Type | Description |
phi21 | scalar | the TORSION involving these atoms |
: =583,585,609,612
phi22The TORSION action with label phi22 calculates the following quantities: Quantity | Type | Description |
phi22 | scalar | the TORSION involving these atoms |
: =612,614,629,632
psi0The TORSION action with label psi0 calculates the following quantities: Quantity | Type | Description |
psi0 | scalar | the TORSION involving these atoms |
: =1,26,29,31
psi1The TORSION action with label psi1 calculates the following quantities: Quantity | Type | Description |
psi1 | scalar | the TORSION involving these atoms |
: =31,59,62,64
psi2The TORSION action with label psi2 calculates the following quantities: Quantity | Type | Description |
psi2 | scalar | the TORSION involving these atoms |
: =64,84,87,89
psi3The TORSION action with label psi3 calculates the following quantities: Quantity | Type | Description |
psi3 | scalar | the TORSION involving these atoms |
: =89,117,120,122
psi4The TORSION action with label psi4 calculates the following quantities: Quantity | Type | Description |
psi4 | scalar | the TORSION involving these atoms |
: =122,143,146,148
psi5The TORSION action with label psi5 calculates the following quantities: Quantity | Type | Description |
psi5 | scalar | the TORSION involving these atoms |
: =148,172,175,177
psi6The TORSION action with label psi6 calculates the following quantities: Quantity | Type | Description |
psi6 | scalar | the TORSION involving these atoms |
: =177,197,200,202
psi7The TORSION action with label psi7 calculates the following quantities: Quantity | Type | Description |
psi7 | scalar | the TORSION involving these atoms |
: =202,220,223,225
psi8The TORSION action with label psi8 calculates the following quantities: Quantity | Type | Description |
psi8 | scalar | the TORSION involving these atoms |
: =225,246,249,251
psi9The TORSION action with label psi9 calculates the following quantities: Quantity | Type | Description |
psi9 | scalar | the TORSION involving these atoms |
: =251,275,278,280
psi12The TORSION action with label psi12 calculates the following quantities: Quantity | Type | Description |
psi12 | scalar | the TORSION involving these atoms |
: =339,360,363,365
psi13The TORSION action with label psi13 calculates the following quantities: Quantity | Type | Description |
psi13 | scalar | the TORSION involving these atoms |
: =365,393,396,398
psi14The TORSION action with label psi14 calculates the following quantities: Quantity | Type | Description |
psi14 | scalar | the TORSION involving these atoms |
: =398,418,421,423
psi15The TORSION action with label psi15 calculates the following quantities: Quantity | Type | Description |
psi15 | scalar | the TORSION involving these atoms |
: =423,451,454,456
psi16The TORSION action with label psi16 calculates the following quantities: Quantity | Type | Description |
psi16 | scalar | the TORSION involving these atoms |
: =456,477,480,482
psi17The TORSION action with label psi17 calculates the following quantities: Quantity | Type | Description |
psi17 | scalar | the TORSION involving these atoms |
: =482,506,509,511
psi18The TORSION action with label psi18 calculates the following quantities: Quantity | Type | Description |
psi18 | scalar | the TORSION involving these atoms |
: =511,531,534,536
psi19The TORSION action with label psi19 calculates the following quantities: Quantity | Type | Description |
psi19 | scalar | the TORSION involving these atoms |
: =536,554,557,559
psi20The TORSION action with label psi20 calculates the following quantities: Quantity | Type | Description |
psi20 | scalar | the TORSION involving these atoms |
: =559,580,583,585
psi21The TORSION action with label psi21 calculates the following quantities: Quantity | Type | Description |
psi21 | scalar | the TORSION involving these atoms |
: =585,609,612,614
omega1The TORSION action with label omega1 calculates the following quantities: Quantity | Type | Description |
omega1 | scalar | the TORSION involving these atoms |
: =26,29,31,59
omega2The TORSION action with label omega2 calculates the following quantities: Quantity | Type | Description |
omega2 | scalar | the TORSION involving these atoms |
: =59,62,64,84
omega3The TORSION action with label omega3 calculates the following quantities: Quantity | Type | Description |
omega3 | scalar | the TORSION involving these atoms |
: =84,87,89,117
omega4The TORSION action with label omega4 calculates the following quantities: Quantity | Type | Description |
omega4 | scalar | the TORSION involving these atoms |
: =117,120,122,143
omega5The TORSION action with label omega5 calculates the following quantities: Quantity | Type | Description |
omega5 | scalar | the TORSION involving these atoms |
: =143,146,148,172
omega6The TORSION action with label omega6 calculates the following quantities: Quantity | Type | Description |
omega6 | scalar | the TORSION involving these atoms |
: =172,175,177,197
omega7The TORSION action with label omega7 calculates the following quantities: Quantity | Type | Description |
omega7 | scalar | the TORSION involving these atoms |
: =197,200,202,220
omega8The TORSION action with label omega8 calculates the following quantities: Quantity | Type | Description |
omega8 | scalar | the TORSION involving these atoms |
: =220,223,225,246
omega9The TORSION action with label omega9 calculates the following quantities: Quantity | Type | Description |
omega9 | scalar | the TORSION involving these atoms |
: =246,249,251,275
omega10The TORSION action with label omega10 calculates the following quantities: Quantity | Type | Description |
omega10 | scalar | the TORSION involving these atoms |
: =275,278,280,300
omega13The TORSION action with label omega13 calculates the following quantities: Quantity | Type | Description |
omega13 | scalar | the TORSION involving these atoms |
: =360,363,365,393
omega14The TORSION action with label omega14 calculates the following quantities: Quantity | Type | Description |
omega14 | scalar | the TORSION involving these atoms |
: =393,396,398,418
omega15The TORSION action with label omega15 calculates the following quantities: Quantity | Type | Description |
omega15 | scalar | the TORSION involving these atoms |
: =418,421,423,451
omega16The TORSION action with label omega16 calculates the following quantities: Quantity | Type | Description |
omega16 | scalar | the TORSION involving these atoms |
: =451,454,456,477
omega17The TORSION action with label omega17 calculates the following quantities: Quantity | Type | Description |
omega17 | scalar | the TORSION involving these atoms |
: =477,480,482,506
omega18The TORSION action with label omega18 calculates the following quantities: Quantity | Type | Description |
omega18 | scalar | the TORSION involving these atoms |
: =506,509,511,531
omega19The TORSION action with label omega19 calculates the following quantities: Quantity | Type | Description |
omega19 | scalar | the TORSION involving these atoms |
: =531,534,536,554
omega20The TORSION action with label omega20 calculates the following quantities: Quantity | Type | Description |
omega20 | scalar | the TORSION involving these atoms |
: =554,557,559,580
omega21The TORSION action with label omega21 calculates the following quantities: Quantity | Type | Description |
omega21 | scalar | the TORSION involving these atoms |
: =580,583,585,609
omega22The TORSION action with label omega22 calculates the following quantities: Quantity | Type | Description |
omega22 | scalar | the TORSION involving these atoms |
: =609,612,614,629
chi1The TORSION action with label chi1 calculates the following quantities: Quantity | Type | Description |
chi1 | scalar | the TORSION involving these atoms |
: =59,31,32,35
chi2The TORSION action with label chi2 calculates the following quantities: Quantity | Type | Description |
chi2 | scalar | the TORSION involving these atoms |
: =84,64,65,71
chi3The TORSION action with label chi3 calculates the following quantities: Quantity | Type | Description |
chi3 | scalar | the TORSION involving these atoms |
: =117,89,90,93
chi4The TORSION action with label chi4 calculates the following quantities: Quantity | Type | Description |
chi4 | scalar | the TORSION involving these atoms |
: =143,122,123,129
chi5The TORSION action with label chi5 calculates the following quantities: Quantity | Type | Description |
chi5 | scalar | the TORSION involving these atoms |
: =172,148,149,155
chi6The TORSION action with label chi6 calculates the following quantities: Quantity | Type | Description |
chi6 | scalar | the TORSION involving these atoms |
: =197,177,178,184
chi7The TORSION action with label chi7 calculates the following quantities: Quantity | Type | Description |
chi7 | scalar | the TORSION involving these atoms |
: =220,202,203,209
chi8The TORSION action with label chi8 calculates the following quantities: Quantity | Type | Description |
chi8 | scalar | the TORSION involving these atoms |
: =246,225,226,232
chi9The TORSION action with label chi9 calculates the following quantities: Quantity | Type | Description |
chi9 | scalar | the TORSION involving these atoms |
: =275,251,252,258
chi10The TORSION action with label chi10 calculates the following quantities: Quantity | Type | Description |
chi10 | scalar | the TORSION involving these atoms |
: =300,280,281,287
chi12The TORSION action with label chi12 calculates the following quantities: Quantity | Type | Description |
chi12 | scalar | the TORSION involving these atoms |
: =360,339,340,346
chi13The TORSION action with label chi13 calculates the following quantities: Quantity | Type | Description |
chi13 | scalar | the TORSION involving these atoms |
: =393,365,366,369
chi14The TORSION action with label chi14 calculates the following quantities: Quantity | Type | Description |
chi14 | scalar | the TORSION involving these atoms |
: =418,398,399,405
chi15The TORSION action with label chi15 calculates the following quantities: Quantity | Type | Description |
chi15 | scalar | the TORSION involving these atoms |
: =451,423,424,427
chi16The TORSION action with label chi16 calculates the following quantities: Quantity | Type | Description |
chi16 | scalar | the TORSION involving these atoms |
: =477,456,457,463
chi17The TORSION action with label chi17 calculates the following quantities: Quantity | Type | Description |
chi17 | scalar | the TORSION involving these atoms |
: =506,482,483,489
chi18The TORSION action with label chi18 calculates the following quantities: Quantity | Type | Description |
chi18 | scalar | the TORSION involving these atoms |
: =531,511,512,518
chi19The TORSION action with label chi19 calculates the following quantities: Quantity | Type | Description |
chi19 | scalar | the TORSION involving these atoms |
: =554,536,537,543
chi20The TORSION action with label chi20 calculates the following quantities: Quantity | Type | Description |
chi20 | scalar | the TORSION involving these atoms |
: =580,559,560,566
chi21The TORSION action with label chi21 calculates the following quantities: Quantity | Type | Description |
chi21 | scalar | the TORSION involving these atoms |
: =609,585,586,592
chiaThe TORSION action with label chia calculates the following quantities: Quantity | Type | Description |
chia | scalar | the TORSION involving these atoms |
: =31,32,35,37
chibThe TORSION action with label chib calculates the following quantities: Quantity | Type | Description |
chib | scalar | the TORSION involving these atoms |
: =89,90,93,95
chicThe TORSION action with label chic calculates the following quantities: Quantity | Type | Description |
chic | scalar | the TORSION involving these atoms |
: =148,149,155,157
chidThe TORSION action with label chid calculates the following quantities: Quantity | Type | Description |
chid | scalar | the TORSION involving these atoms |
: =202,203,209,210
chieThe TORSION action with label chie calculates the following quantities: Quantity | Type | Description |
chie | scalar | the TORSION involving these atoms |
: =251,252,258,260
chifThe TORSION action with label chif calculates the following quantities: Quantity | Type | Description |
chif | scalar | the TORSION involving these atoms |
: =365,366,369,371
chigThe TORSION action with label chig calculates the following quantities: Quantity | Type | Description |
chig | scalar | the TORSION involving these atoms |
: =423,424,427,429
chihThe TORSION action with label chih calculates the following quantities: Quantity | Type | Description |
chih | scalar | the TORSION involving these atoms |
: =482,483,489,491
chiiThe TORSION action with label chii calculates the following quantities: Quantity | Type | Description |
chii | scalar | the TORSION involving these atoms |
: =536,537,543,544
chijThe TORSION action with label chij calculates the following quantities: Quantity | Type | Description |
chij | scalar | the TORSION involving these atoms |
: =585,586,592,594
chiaaThe TORSION action with label chiaa calculates the following quantities: Quantity | Type | Description |
chiaa | scalar | the TORSION involving these atoms |
: =32,35,37,38
chibaThe TORSION action with label chiba calculates the following quantities: Quantity | Type | Description |
chiba | scalar | the TORSION involving these atoms |
: =90,93,95,96
chifaThe TORSION action with label chifa calculates the following quantities: Quantity | Type | Description |
chifa | scalar | the TORSION involving these atoms |
: =366,369,371,372
chigaThe TORSION action with label chiga calculates the following quantities: Quantity | Type | Description |
chiga | scalar | the TORSION involving these atoms |
: =424,427,429,430
# --- End of included input ---
=1000 =COLVAR