Project ID: plumID:23.027
Source: water-structure-driver.dat
Originally used with PLUMED version: 2.5.1
Stable: zipped raw stdout - zipped raw stderr - stderr
Master: zipped raw stdout - zipped raw stderr - stderr
Click on the labels of the actions for more information on what each action computes
The UNITS action with label calculates somethingwoxThe GROUP action with label wox calculates the following quantities: Quantity | Type | Description |
wox | atoms | indices of atoms specified in GROUP |
: =1-12000:3
q3The Q3 action with label q3 calculates the following quantities: Quantity | Type | Description |
q3 | vector | the value calculated by this action |
: =wox ={RATIONAL R_0=3.5 D_MAX=4.0 NN=50 MM=100}
# q3: Q3 SPECIES=wox SWITCH={RATIONAL R_0=3.5 D_MAX=4.0 NN=50 MM=100}
q3_grpThe GROUP action with label q3_grp calculates the following quantities: Quantity | Type | Description |
q3_grp | atoms | indices of atoms specified in GROUP |
: =wox
q3_matThe CONTACT_MATRIX action with label q3_mat calculates the following quantities: Quantity | Type | Description |
q3_mat.w | matrix | a matrix containing the weights for the bonds between each pair of atoms |
q3_mat.x | matrix | the projection of the bond on the x axis |
q3_mat.y | matrix | the projection of the bond on the y axis |
q3_mat.z | matrix | the projection of the bond on the z axis |
: =wox ={RATIONAL R_0=3.5 D_MAX=4.0 NN=50 MM=100}
q3_shThe SPHERICAL_HARMONIC action with label q3_sh calculates the following quantities: Quantity | Type | Description |
q3_sh.rm-n3 | matrix | the real parts of the spherical harmonic values with the m value given This is the n3th of these quantities |
q3_sh.rm-n2 | matrix | the real parts of the spherical harmonic values with the m value given This is the n2th of these quantities |
q3_sh.rm-n1 | matrix | the real parts of the spherical harmonic values with the m value given This is the n1th of these quantities |
q3_sh.rm-0 | matrix | the real parts of the spherical harmonic values with the m value given This is the 0th of these quantities |
q3_sh.rm-p1 | matrix | the real parts of the spherical harmonic values with the m value given This is the p1th of these quantities |
q3_sh.rm-p2 | matrix | the real parts of the spherical harmonic values with the m value given This is the p2th of these quantities |
q3_sh.rm-p3 | matrix | the real parts of the spherical harmonic values with the m value given This is the p3th of these quantities | | matrix | the real parts of the spherical harmonic values with the m value given This is the n3th of these quantities | | matrix | the real parts of the spherical harmonic values with the m value given This is the n2th of these quantities | | matrix | the real parts of the spherical harmonic values with the m value given This is the n1th of these quantities | | matrix | the real parts of the spherical harmonic values with the m value given This is the 0th of these quantities | | matrix | the real parts of the spherical harmonic values with the m value given This is the p1th of these quantities | | matrix | the real parts of the spherical harmonic values with the m value given This is the p2th of these quantities | | matrix | the real parts of the spherical harmonic values with the m value given This is the p3th of these quantities |
: =q3_mat.x,q3_mat.y,q3_mat.z,q3_mat.w =3
q3_denom_onesThe CONSTANT action with label q3_denom_ones calculates the following quantities: Quantity | Type | Description |
q3_denom_ones | vector | the constant value that was read from the plumed input |
: =4000
q3_denomThe MATRIX_VECTOR_PRODUCT action with label q3_denom calculates the following quantities: Quantity | Type | Description |
q3_denom | vector | the vector that is obtained by taking the product between the matrix and the vector that were input |
: =q3_mat.w,q3_denom_ones
q3_spThe MATRIX_VECTOR_PRODUCT action with label q3_sp calculates the following quantities: Quantity | Type | Description |
q3_sp.rm-n3 | vector | the product of the matrix q3_sh.rm-n3 and the vector q3_denom_ones |
q3_sp.rm-n2 | vector | the product of the matrix q3_sh.rm-n2 and the vector q3_denom_ones |
q3_sp.rm-n1 | vector | the product of the matrix q3_sh.rm-n1 and the vector q3_denom_ones |
q3_sp.rm-0 | vector | the product of the matrix q3_sh.rm-0 and the vector q3_denom_ones |
q3_sp.rm-p1 | vector | the product of the matrix q3_sh.rm-p1 and the vector q3_denom_ones |
q3_sp.rm-p2 | vector | the product of the matrix q3_sh.rm-p2 and the vector q3_denom_ones |
q3_sp.rm-p3 | vector | the product of the matrix q3_sh.rm-p3 and the vector q3_denom_ones | | vector | the product of the matrix and the vector q3_denom_ones | | vector | the product of the matrix and the vector q3_denom_ones | | vector | the product of the matrix and the vector q3_denom_ones | | vector | the product of the matrix and the vector q3_denom_ones | | vector | the product of the matrix and the vector q3_denom_ones | | vector | the product of the matrix and the vector q3_denom_ones | | vector | the product of the matrix and the vector q3_denom_ones |
: =q3_sh.*,q3_denom_ones
q3_norm2The COMBINE action with label q3_norm2 calculates the following quantities: Quantity | Type | Description |
q3_norm2 | vector | the vector obtained by doing an element-wise application of a linear compbination to the input vectors |
: =NO =2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2 =q3_sp.rm-n3,,q3_sp.rm-n2,,q3_sp.rm-n1,,q3_sp.rm-0,,q3_sp.rm-p1,,q3_sp.rm-p2,,q3_sp.rm-p3,
q3_normThe CUSTOM action with label q3_norm calculates the following quantities: Quantity | Type | Description |
q3_norm | vector | the vector obtained by doing an element-wise application of an arbitrary function to the input vectors |
: =q3_norm2 =sqrt(x =NO
q3The CUSTOM action with label q3 calculates the following quantities: Quantity | Type | Description |
q3 | vector | the vector obtained by doing an element-wise application of an arbitrary function to the input vectors |
: =q3_norm,q3_denom =x/y =NO
# --- End of included input --- lq3The LOCAL_Q3 action with label lq3 calculates the following quantities: Quantity | Type | Description |
lq3 | vector | the value calculated by this action |
: =q3 ={RATIONAL R_0=3.5 D_MAX=4.0 NN=50 MM=100}
# lq3: LOCAL_Q3 SPECIES=q3 SWITCH={RATIONAL R_0=3.5 D_MAX=4.0 NN=50 MM=100}
lq3_uvecThe CONSTANT action with label lq3_uvec calculates the following quantities: Quantity | Type | Description |
lq3_uvec | vector | the constant value that was read from the plumed input |
: =14
lq3_grpThe GROUP action with label lq3_grp calculates the following quantities: Quantity | Type | Description |
lq3_grp | atoms | indices of atoms specified in GROUP |
: =q3
lq3_nmatThe OUTER_PRODUCT action with label lq3_nmat calculates the following quantities: Quantity | Type | Description |
lq3_nmat | matrix | a matrix containing the outer product of the two input vectors that was obtained using the function that was input |
: =q3_norm,lq3_uvec
lq3_uvecsThe VSTACK action with label lq3_uvecs calculates the following quantities: Quantity | Type | Description |
lq3_uvecs | matrix | a matrix that contains the input vectors in its columns |
: =q3_sp.rm-n3,,q3_sp.rm-n2,,q3_sp.rm-n1,,q3_sp.rm-0,,q3_sp.rm-p1,,q3_sp.rm-p2,,q3_sp.rm-p3,
lq3_vecsThe CUSTOM action with label lq3_vecs calculates the following quantities: Quantity | Type | Description |
lq3_vecs | matrix | the matrix obtained by doing an element-wise application of an arbitrary function to the input matrix |
: =lq3_uvecs,lq3_nmat =x/y =NO
lq3_vecsTThe TRANSPOSE action with label lq3_vecsT calculates the following quantities: Quantity | Type | Description |
lq3_vecsT | matrix | the transpose of the input matrix |
: =lq3_vecs
lq3_cmapThe CONTACT_MATRIX action with label lq3_cmap calculates the following quantities: Quantity | Type | Description |
lq3_cmap | matrix | a matrix containing the weights for the bonds between each pair of atoms |
: =q3 ={RATIONAL R_0=3.5 D_MAX=4.0 NN=50 MM=100}
lq3_dpmatThe MATRIX_PRODUCT action with label lq3_dpmat calculates the following quantities: Quantity | Type | Description |
lq3_dpmat | matrix | the product of the two input matrices |
: =lq3_vecs,lq3_vecsT
lq3_prodThe CUSTOM action with label lq3_prod calculates the following quantities: Quantity | Type | Description |
lq3_prod | matrix | the matrix obtained by doing an element-wise application of an arbitrary function to the input matrix |
: =lq3_cmap,lq3_dpmat =x*y =NO
lq3_onesThe CONSTANT action with label lq3_ones calculates the following quantities: Quantity | Type | Description |
lq3_ones | vector | the constant value that was read from the plumed input |
: =4000
lq3The MATRIX_VECTOR_PRODUCT action with label lq3 calculates the following quantities: Quantity | Type | Description |
lq3 | vector | the vector that is obtained by taking the product between the matrix and the vector that were input |
: =lq3_prod,lq3_ones
lq3_denomThe MATRIX_VECTOR_PRODUCT action with label lq3_denom calculates the following quantities: Quantity | Type | Description |
lq3_denom | vector | the vector that is obtained by taking the product between the matrix and the vector that were input |
: =lq3_cmap,lq3_ones
lq3_avThe CUSTOM action with label lq3_av calculates the following quantities: Quantity | Type | Description |
lq3_av | vector | the vector obtained by doing an element-wise application of an arbitrary function to the input vectors |
: =lq3,lq3_denom =x/y =NO
# --- End of included input --- laq3The LOCAL_AVERAGE action with label laq3 calculates the following quantities: Quantity | Type | Description |
laq3 | vector | the value calculated by this action |
: =q3 ={RATIONAL R_0=3.5 D_MAX=4.0 NN=50 MM=100}
laq3_grpThe GROUP action with label laq3_grp calculates the following quantities: Quantity | Type | Description |
laq3_grp | atoms | indices of atoms specified in GROUP |
: =q3
laq3_matThe CONTACT_MATRIX action with label laq3_mat calculates the following quantities: Quantity | Type | Description |
laq3_mat | matrix | a matrix containing the weights for the bonds between each pair of atoms |
: =q3 ={RATIONAL R_0=3.5 D_MAX=4.0 NN=50 MM=100}
laq3_onesThe CONSTANT action with label laq3_ones calculates the following quantities: Quantity | Type | Description |
laq3_ones | vector | the constant value that was read from the plumed input |
: =4000
laq3_coordThe MATRIX_VECTOR_PRODUCT action with label laq3_coord calculates the following quantities: Quantity | Type | Description |
laq3_coord | vector | the vector that is obtained by taking the product between the matrix and the vector that were input |
: =laq3_mat,laq3_ones
q3_rmn-n3The CUSTOM action with label q3_rmn-n3 calculates the following quantities: Quantity | Type | Description |
q3_rmn-n3 | vector | the vector obtained by doing an element-wise application of an arbitrary function to the input vectors |
: =q3_sp.rm-n3,q3_denom =x/y =NO
q3_imn-n3The CUSTOM action with label q3_imn-n3 calculates the following quantities: Quantity | Type | Description |
q3_imn-n3 | vector | the vector obtained by doing an element-wise application of an arbitrary function to the input vectors |
:,q3_denom =x/y =NO
q3_rmn-n2The CUSTOM action with label q3_rmn-n2 calculates the following quantities: Quantity | Type | Description |
q3_rmn-n2 | vector | the vector obtained by doing an element-wise application of an arbitrary function to the input vectors |
: =q3_sp.rm-n2,q3_denom =x/y =NO
q3_imn-n2The CUSTOM action with label q3_imn-n2 calculates the following quantities: Quantity | Type | Description |
q3_imn-n2 | vector | the vector obtained by doing an element-wise application of an arbitrary function to the input vectors |
:,q3_denom =x/y =NO
q3_rmn-n1The CUSTOM action with label q3_rmn-n1 calculates the following quantities: Quantity | Type | Description |
q3_rmn-n1 | vector | the vector obtained by doing an element-wise application of an arbitrary function to the input vectors |
: =q3_sp.rm-n1,q3_denom =x/y =NO
q3_imn-n1The CUSTOM action with label q3_imn-n1 calculates the following quantities: Quantity | Type | Description |
q3_imn-n1 | vector | the vector obtained by doing an element-wise application of an arbitrary function to the input vectors |
:,q3_denom =x/y =NO
q3_rmn-0The CUSTOM action with label q3_rmn-0 calculates the following quantities: Quantity | Type | Description |
q3_rmn-0 | vector | the vector obtained by doing an element-wise application of an arbitrary function to the input vectors |
: =q3_sp.rm-0,q3_denom =x/y =NO
q3_imn-0The CUSTOM action with label q3_imn-0 calculates the following quantities: Quantity | Type | Description |
q3_imn-0 | vector | the vector obtained by doing an element-wise application of an arbitrary function to the input vectors |
:,q3_denom =x/y =NO
q3_rmn-p1The CUSTOM action with label q3_rmn-p1 calculates the following quantities: Quantity | Type | Description |
q3_rmn-p1 | vector | the vector obtained by doing an element-wise application of an arbitrary function to the input vectors |
: =q3_sp.rm-p1,q3_denom =x/y =NO
q3_imn-p1The CUSTOM action with label q3_imn-p1 calculates the following quantities: Quantity | Type | Description |
q3_imn-p1 | vector | the vector obtained by doing an element-wise application of an arbitrary function to the input vectors |
:,q3_denom =x/y =NO
q3_rmn-p2The CUSTOM action with label q3_rmn-p2 calculates the following quantities: Quantity | Type | Description |
q3_rmn-p2 | vector | the vector obtained by doing an element-wise application of an arbitrary function to the input vectors |
: =q3_sp.rm-p2,q3_denom =x/y =NO
q3_imn-p2The CUSTOM action with label q3_imn-p2 calculates the following quantities: Quantity | Type | Description |
q3_imn-p2 | vector | the vector obtained by doing an element-wise application of an arbitrary function to the input vectors |
:,q3_denom =x/y =NO
q3_rmn-p3The CUSTOM action with label q3_rmn-p3 calculates the following quantities: Quantity | Type | Description |
q3_rmn-p3 | vector | the vector obtained by doing an element-wise application of an arbitrary function to the input vectors |
: =q3_sp.rm-p3,q3_denom =x/y =NO
q3_imn-p3The CUSTOM action with label q3_imn-p3 calculates the following quantities: Quantity | Type | Description |
q3_imn-p3 | vector | the vector obtained by doing an element-wise application of an arbitrary function to the input vectors |
:,q3_denom =x/y =NO
laq3_vstackThe VSTACK action with label laq3_vstack calculates the following quantities: Quantity | Type | Description |
laq3_vstack | matrix | a matrix that contains the input vectors in its columns |
: =q3_rmn-n3,q3_imn-n3,q3_rmn-n2,q3_imn-n2,q3_rmn-n1,q3_imn-n1,q3_rmn-0,q3_imn-0,q3_rmn-p1,q3_imn-p1,q3_rmn-p2,q3_imn-p2,q3_rmn-p3,q3_imn-p3
laq3_prodThe MATRIX_VECTOR_PRODUCT action with label laq3_prod calculates the following quantities: Quantity | Type | Description |
laq3_prod.q3_rmn-n3 | vector | the product of the matrix laq3_mat and the vector q3_rmn-n3 |
laq3_prod.q3_imn-n3 | vector | the product of the matrix laq3_mat and the vector q3_imn-n3 |
laq3_prod.q3_rmn-n2 | vector | the product of the matrix laq3_mat and the vector q3_rmn-n2 |
laq3_prod.q3_imn-n2 | vector | the product of the matrix laq3_mat and the vector q3_imn-n2 |
laq3_prod.q3_rmn-n1 | vector | the product of the matrix laq3_mat and the vector q3_rmn-n1 |
laq3_prod.q3_imn-n1 | vector | the product of the matrix laq3_mat and the vector q3_imn-n1 |
laq3_prod.q3_rmn-0 | vector | the product of the matrix laq3_mat and the vector q3_rmn-0 |
laq3_prod.q3_imn-0 | vector | the product of the matrix laq3_mat and the vector q3_imn-0 |
laq3_prod.q3_rmn-p1 | vector | the product of the matrix laq3_mat and the vector q3_rmn-p1 |
laq3_prod.q3_imn-p1 | vector | the product of the matrix laq3_mat and the vector q3_imn-p1 |
laq3_prod.q3_rmn-p2 | vector | the product of the matrix laq3_mat and the vector q3_rmn-p2 |
laq3_prod.q3_imn-p2 | vector | the product of the matrix laq3_mat and the vector q3_imn-p2 |
laq3_prod.q3_rmn-p3 | vector | the product of the matrix laq3_mat and the vector q3_rmn-p3 |
laq3_prod.q3_imn-p3 | vector | the product of the matrix laq3_mat and the vector q3_imn-p3 |
: =laq3_mat,q3_rmn-n3,q3_imn-n3,q3_rmn-n2,q3_imn-n2,q3_rmn-n1,q3_imn-n1,q3_rmn-0,q3_imn-0,q3_rmn-p1,q3_imn-p1,q3_rmn-p2,q3_imn-p2,q3_rmn-p3,q3_imn-p3
laq3_vpstackThe VSTACK action with label laq3_vpstack calculates the following quantities: Quantity | Type | Description |
laq3_vpstack | matrix | a matrix that contains the input vectors in its columns |
: =laq3_prod.q3_rmn-n3,laq3_prod.q3_imn-n3,laq3_prod.q3_rmn-n2,laq3_prod.q3_imn-n2,laq3_prod.q3_rmn-n1,laq3_prod.q3_imn-n1,laq3_prod.q3_rmn-0,laq3_prod.q3_imn-0,laq3_prod.q3_rmn-p1,laq3_prod.q3_imn-p1,laq3_prod.q3_rmn-p2,laq3_prod.q3_imn-p2,laq3_prod.q3_rmn-p3,laq3_prod.q3_imn-p3
laq3_lonesThe CONSTANT action with label laq3_lones calculates the following quantities: Quantity | Type | Description |
laq3_lones | vector | the constant value that was read from the plumed input |
: =14
laq3_unormThe OUTER_PRODUCT action with label laq3_unorm calculates the following quantities: Quantity | Type | Description |
laq3_unorm | matrix | a matrix containing the outer product of the two input vectors that was obtained using the function that was input |
: =laq3_coord,laq3_lones
laq3_avThe CUSTOM action with label laq3_av calculates the following quantities: Quantity | Type | Description |
laq3_av | matrix | the matrix obtained by doing an element-wise application of an arbitrary function to the input matrix |
: =laq3_vpstack,laq3_vstack,laq3_unorm =(x+y)/(1+z =NO
laq3_av2The CUSTOM action with label laq3_av2 calculates the following quantities: Quantity | Type | Description |
laq3_av2 | matrix | the matrix obtained by doing an element-wise application of an arbitrary function to the input matrix |
: =laq3_av =x*x =NO
laq3_2The MATRIX_VECTOR_PRODUCT action with label laq3_2 calculates the following quantities: Quantity | Type | Description |
laq3_2 | vector | the vector that is obtained by taking the product between the matrix and the vector that were input |
: =laq3_av2,laq3_lones
laq3The CUSTOM action with label laq3 calculates the following quantities: Quantity | Type | Description |
laq3 | vector | the vector obtained by doing an element-wise application of an arbitrary function to the input vectors |
: =laq3_2 =sqrt(x =NO
# --- End of included input ---
hhq3The HISTOGRAM action with label hhq3 calculates the following quantities: Quantity | Type | Description |
hhq3 | grid | the estimate of the histogram as a function of the argument that was obtained |
: =q3 =-1.5 =1.5 =200 =0.015 =100
hhq3: =q3 =-1.5 =1.5 =200 =0.015 =100 =ndata =0
hhq3_weightThe CONSTANT action with label hhq3_weight calculates the following quantities: Quantity | Type | Description |
hhq3_weight | scalar | the constant value that was read from the plumed input |
: =1
hhq3_kde_uThe KDE action with label hhq3_kde_u calculates the following quantities: Quantity | Type | Description |
hhq3_kde_u | grid | a function on a grid that was obtained by doing a Kernel Density Estimation using the input arguments |
: =q3 =-1.5 =1.5 =200 =0.015
hhq3_kdeThe CUSTOM action with label hhq3_kde calculates the following quantities: Quantity | Type | Description |
hhq3_kde | grid | the grid obtained by doing an element-wise application of an arbitrary function to the input grid |
: =hhq3_kde_u =NO =x/4000
hhq3_kdepThe CUSTOM action with label hhq3_kdep calculates the following quantities: Quantity | Type | Description |
hhq3_kdep | grid | the grid obtained by doing an element-wise application of an arbitrary function to the input grid |
: =hhq3_kde,hhq3_weight =x*y =NO
hhq3_uThe ACCUMULATE action with label hhq3_u calculates the following quantities: Quantity | Type | Description |
hhq3_u | grid | a sum calculated from the time series of the input quantity |
: =hhq3_kdep =100 =0
hhq3_nsumThe ACCUMULATE action with label hhq3_nsum calculates the following quantities: Quantity | Type | Description |
hhq3_nsum | scalar | a sum calculated from the time series of the input quantity |
: =hhq3_weight =100 =0
hhq3The CUSTOM action with label hhq3 calculates the following quantities: Quantity | Type | Description |
hhq3 | grid | the grid obtained by doing an element-wise application of an arbitrary function to the input grid |
: =hhq3_u,hhq3_nsum =x/y =NO
# --- End of included input --- hhlq3The HISTOGRAM action with label hhlq3 calculates the following quantities: Quantity | Type | Description |
hhlq3 | grid | the estimate of the histogram as a function of the argument that was obtained |
: =lq3 =-1.5 =1.5 =200 =0.015 =100
hhlq3: =lq3 =-1.5 =1.5 =200 =0.015 =100 =ndata =0
hhlq3_weightThe CONSTANT action with label hhlq3_weight calculates the following quantities: Quantity | Type | Description |
hhlq3_weight | scalar | the constant value that was read from the plumed input |
: =1
hhlq3_kde_uThe KDE action with label hhlq3_kde_u calculates the following quantities: Quantity | Type | Description |
hhlq3_kde_u | grid | a function on a grid that was obtained by doing a Kernel Density Estimation using the input arguments |
: =lq3 =-1.5 =1.5 =200 =0.015
hhlq3_kdeThe CUSTOM action with label hhlq3_kde calculates the following quantities: Quantity | Type | Description |
hhlq3_kde | grid | the grid obtained by doing an element-wise application of an arbitrary function to the input grid |
: =hhlq3_kde_u =NO =x/4000
hhlq3_kdepThe CUSTOM action with label hhlq3_kdep calculates the following quantities: Quantity | Type | Description |
hhlq3_kdep | grid | the grid obtained by doing an element-wise application of an arbitrary function to the input grid |
: =hhlq3_kde,hhlq3_weight =x*y =NO
hhlq3_uThe ACCUMULATE action with label hhlq3_u calculates the following quantities: Quantity | Type | Description |
hhlq3_u | grid | a sum calculated from the time series of the input quantity |
: =hhlq3_kdep =100 =0
hhlq3_nsumThe ACCUMULATE action with label hhlq3_nsum calculates the following quantities: Quantity | Type | Description |
hhlq3_nsum | scalar | a sum calculated from the time series of the input quantity |
: =hhlq3_weight =100 =0
hhlq3The CUSTOM action with label hhlq3 calculates the following quantities: Quantity | Type | Description |
hhlq3 | grid | the grid obtained by doing an element-wise application of an arbitrary function to the input grid |
: =hhlq3_u,hhlq3_nsum =x/y =NO
# --- End of included input --- hhlaq3The HISTOGRAM action with label hhlaq3 calculates the following quantities: Quantity | Type | Description |
hhlaq3 | grid | the estimate of the histogram as a function of the argument that was obtained |
: =laq3 =-1.5 =1.5 =200 =0.015 =100
hhlaq3: =laq3 =-1.5 =1.5 =200 =0.015 =100 =ndata =0
hhlaq3_weightThe CONSTANT action with label hhlaq3_weight calculates the following quantities: Quantity | Type | Description |
hhlaq3_weight | scalar | the constant value that was read from the plumed input |
: =1
hhlaq3_kde_uThe KDE action with label hhlaq3_kde_u calculates the following quantities: Quantity | Type | Description |
hhlaq3_kde_u | grid | a function on a grid that was obtained by doing a Kernel Density Estimation using the input arguments |
: =laq3 =-1.5 =1.5 =200 =0.015
hhlaq3_kdeThe CUSTOM action with label hhlaq3_kde calculates the following quantities: Quantity | Type | Description |
hhlaq3_kde | grid | the grid obtained by doing an element-wise application of an arbitrary function to the input grid |
: =hhlaq3_kde_u =NO =x/4000
hhlaq3_kdepThe CUSTOM action with label hhlaq3_kdep calculates the following quantities: Quantity | Type | Description |
hhlaq3_kdep | grid | the grid obtained by doing an element-wise application of an arbitrary function to the input grid |
: =hhlaq3_kde,hhlaq3_weight =x*y =NO
hhlaq3_uThe ACCUMULATE action with label hhlaq3_u calculates the following quantities: Quantity | Type | Description |
hhlaq3_u | grid | a sum calculated from the time series of the input quantity |
: =hhlaq3_kdep =100 =0
hhlaq3_nsumThe ACCUMULATE action with label hhlaq3_nsum calculates the following quantities: Quantity | Type | Description |
hhlaq3_nsum | scalar | a sum calculated from the time series of the input quantity |
: =hhlaq3_weight =100 =0
hhlaq3The CUSTOM action with label hhlaq3 calculates the following quantities: Quantity | Type | Description |
hhlaq3 | grid | the grid obtained by doing an element-wise application of an arbitrary function to the input grid |
: =hhlaq3_u,hhlaq3_nsum =x/y =NO
# --- End of included input ---
=hhq3 =histo_q3 =1000
=hhlq3 =histo_lq3 =1000
=hhlaq3 =histo_laq3 =1000