Project ID: plumID:21.049
Source: 3ad_cycle/plumed.7.dat
Originally used with PLUMED version: 2.6
Stable: zipped raw stdout - zipped raw stderr - stderr
Master: zipped raw stdout - zipped raw stderr - stderr
LOADLoads a library, possibly defining new actions. More details FILEfile to be loaded=../PathCV.cpp UNITSThis command sets the internal units for the code. More details LENGTHthe units of lengths=A TIMEthe units of time=ps ENERGYthe units of energy=kcal/mol phi: TORSIONCalculate a torsional angle. More details ATOMSthe four atoms involved in the torsional angle=5,7,9,15 phic: TORSIONCalculate a torsional angle. More details ATOMSthe four atoms involved in the torsional angle=5,7,9,15 COSINE calculate cosine instead of dihedral phis: CUSTOMCalculate a combination of variables using a custom expression. More details ARGthe values input to this function=phi FUNCthe function you wish to evaluate=sin(x) PERIODICif the output of your function is periodic then you should specify the periodicity of the function=NO psi: TORSIONCalculate a torsional angle. More details ATOMSthe four atoms involved in the torsional angle=7,9,15,17 psic: TORSIONCalculate a torsional angle. More details ATOMSthe four atoms involved in the torsional angle=7,9,15,17 COSINE calculate cosine instead of dihedral psis: CUSTOMCalculate a combination of variables using a custom expression. More details ARGthe values input to this function=psi FUNCthe function you wish to evaluate=sin(x) PERIODICif the output of your function is periodic then you should specify the periodicity of the function=NO PATHCVThis action is not part of PLUMED and was included by using a LOAD command More details LABEL=pcv ARG=phic,phis,psic,psis INFILE=in_cycle.input HALFLIFE=1000 PACE=250 WALKERS_RSTRIDE=250 WALKERS_ID=7 WALKERS_N=8 WALKERS_DIR=. UPPER_WALLSDefines a wall for the value of one or more collective variables, More details ARGthe arguments on which the bias is acting=pcv.z ATthe positions of the wall=0.0 KAPPAthe force constant for the wall=50.0 EXP the powers for the walls=2 EPS the values for s_i in the expression for a wall=1 OFFSET the offset for the start of the wall=0 LABELa label for the action so that its output can be referenced in the input to other actions=tube
c: CONSTANTCreate a constant value that can be passed to actions More details VALUEthe single number that you would like to store=-1 s: COMBINECalculate a polynomial combination of a set of other variables. More details ARGthe values input to this function=pcv.s,c COEFFICIENTS the coefficients of the arguments in your function=2.,1. PERIODICif the output of your function is periodic then you should specify the periodicity of the function=-1,1 RESTRAINTAdds harmonic and/or linear restraints on one or more variables. More details LABELa label for the action so that its output can be referenced in the input to other actions=anchor ARGthe values the harmonic restraint acts upon=phi,psi ATthe position of the restraint=1.1,-0.8 KAPPA specifies that the restraint is harmonic and what the values of the force constants on each of the variables are=50.0,50.0 PRINTPrint quantities to a file. More details STRIDE the frequency with which the quantities of interest should be output=10 ARGthe labels of the values that you would like to print to the file=phic,phis,psic,psis,phi,psi,s,pcv.s,pcv.z,anchor.bias,tube.bias FILEthe name of the file on which to output these quantities=./COLVAR