Project ID: plumID:21.033
Source: inside_path/plumed.9.dat
Originally used with PLUMED version: 2.6
Stable: zipped raw stdout - zipped raw stderr - stderr
Master: zipped raw stdout - zipped raw stderr - stderr
Click on the labels of the actions for more information on what each action computes
# INCLUDE FILE=../base.dat
The INCLUDE action with label ../base.dat calculates something =../PathCV.cpp
The LOAD action with label calculates something =A =ps =kcal/mol
p1: =519,520,522,523,524,525,528,529,531,532,234,235,237,238,242,243,244,246,247
The CENTER action with label p1 calculates the following quantities: Quantity | Description |
p1.value | the position of the center of mass |
p2: =455,456,458,459,460,461,464,465,467,468,298,299,301,302,306,307,308,310,311
The CENTER action with label p2 calculates the following quantities: Quantity | Description |
p2.value | the position of the center of mass |
p1p2: =519,520,522,523,524,525,528,529,531,532,234,235,237,238,242,243,244,246,247,455,456,458,459,460,461,464,465,467,468,298,299,301,302,306,307,308,310,311
The CENTER action with label p1p2 calculates the following quantities: Quantity | Description |
p1p2.value | the position of the center of mass |
p1_prime: =519,520,522,523,524,525,528,529,531,532
The CENTER action with label p1_prime calculates the following quantities: Quantity | Description |
p1_prime.value | the position of the center of mass |
p2_prime: =455,456,458,459,460,461,464,465,467,468
The CENTER action with label p2_prime calculates the following quantities: Quantity | Description |
p2_prime.value | the position of the center of mass |
p3: =506,507,508,509,510
The CENTER action with label p3 calculates the following quantities: Quantity | Description |
p3.value | the position of the center of mass |
p4: =474,475,476,477,478
The CENTER action with label p4 calculates the following quantities: Quantity | Description |
p4.value | the position of the center of mass |
p5: =487,488,490,491,500
The CENTER action with label p5 calculates the following quantities: Quantity | Description |
p5.value | the position of the center of mass |
p6: =491,492,496,497,499,500
The CENTER action with label p6 calculates the following quantities: Quantity | Description |
p6.value | the position of the center of mass |
dWC: =496,276
The DISTANCE action with label dWC calculates the following quantities: Quantity | Description |
dWC.value | the DISTANCE between this pair of atoms |
dHG: =490,276
The DISTANCE action with label dHG calculates the following quantities: Quantity | Description |
dHG.value | the DISTANCE between this pair of atoms |
dHB: =275,493
The DISTANCE action with label dHB calculates the following quantities: Quantity | Description |
dHB.value | the DISTANCE between this pair of atoms |
dCC: =264,485
The DISTANCE action with label dCC calculates the following quantities: Quantity | Description |
dCC.value | the DISTANCE between this pair of atoms |
dNB: =p1_prime,p2_prime
The DISTANCE action with label dNB calculates the following quantities: Quantity | Description |
dNB.value | the DISTANCE between this pair of atoms |
tBR: =p2,p1 =485,487 =p5,p6
The TORSION action with label tBR calculates the following quantities: Quantity | Description |
tBR.value | the TORSION involving these atoms |
cBR: =p2,p1 =485,487 =p5,p6
The TORSION action with label cBR calculates the following quantities: Quantity | Description |
cBR.value | the TORSION involving these atoms |
sBR: =tBR =tBR =sin(tBR =NO
The CUSTOM action with label sBR calculates the following quantities: Quantity | Description |
sBR.value | an arbitrary function |
tBF: =p1p2,p3,p4,p5
# --- End of included input ---
The TORSION action with label tBF calculates the following quantities: Quantity | Description |
tBF.value | the TORSION involving these atoms |
c: =-1
The CONSTANT action with label c calculates the following quantities: Quantity | Description |
c.value | the constant value that was read from the plumed input |
s: =pcv.s,c =2.,1 =-1,1
The COMBINE action with label s calculates the following quantities: Quantity | Description |
s.value | a linear compbination |
=pcv.z =0.0 =50.0 =2 =1 =0 =tube
The UPPER_WALLS action with label tube calculates the following quantities: Quantity | Description |
tube.bias | the instantaneous value of the bias potential |
tube.force2 | the instantaneous value of the squared force due to this bias potential |
=attract =tBR,tBF =-1.5,0.0 =500.0,500.0
The RESTRAINT action with label attract calculates the following quantities: Quantity | Description |
attract.bias | the instantaneous value of the bias potential |
attract.force2 | the instantaneous value of the squared force due to this bias potential |
=10 =in1/COLVAR