Project ID: plumID:19.081
Source: Na/02_References/Example/Reweight/plumed.dat
Originally used with PLUMED version: 2.6-dev
Stable: zipped raw stdout - zipped raw stderr - stderr
Master: zipped raw stdout - zipped raw stderr - stderr
# vim:ft=plumedEnables syntax highlighting for PLUMED files in vim. See here for more details.
refcvREADRead quantities from a colvar file. This action has hidden defaults. More detailsFILE=COLVARtrimthe name of the file from which to read these quantitiesVALUES=refcv.morethanthe values to read from the fileIGNORE_TIME: b1ignore the time in the colvar fileREADRead quantities from a colvar file. This action has hidden defaults. More detailsFILE=COLVARtrimthe name of the file from which to read these quantitiesVALUES=b1.biasthe values to read from the fileIGNORE_TIME: uwallignore the time in the colvar fileREADRead quantities from a colvar file. This action has hidden defaults. More detailsFILE=COLVARtrimthe name of the file from which to read these quantitiesVALUES=uwall.biasthe values to read from the fileIGNORE_TIME:ignore the time in the colvar file
bias :REWEIGHT_BIASCalculate weights for ensemble averages that negate the effect the bias has on the region of phase space explored More detailsTEMP=350.0the system temperatureARG=b1.bias,uwall.biasthe biases that must be taken into account when reweightingHISTOGRAM...Accumulate the average probability density along a few CVs from a trajectory. This action is a shortcut and it has hidden defaults. More detailsARG=refcv.morethanthe quantity that is being averagedGRID_MIN=-0.5the lower bounds for the gridGRID_MAX=250.5the upper bounds for the gridGRID_BIN=1000the number of bins for the gridBANDWIDTH=1the bandwidths for kernel density esimtationLABEL=hha label for the action so that its output can be referenced in the input to other actionsLOGWEIGHTS=biasthe logarithm of the quantity to use as the weights when calculating averagesSTRIDE=1the frequency with which to store data for averagingCLEAR=5000 ... HISTOGRAMthe frequency with whihc to clear the data that is being averaged
ffCONVERT_TO_FESConvert a histogram to a free energy surface. This action is a shortcut. More detailsGRID=hhthe histogram that you would like to convert into a free energy surface (old syntax)TEMP=350.0 :the temperature at which you are operatingDUMPGRIDOutput the function on the grid to a file with the PLUMED grid format. More detailsGRID=ffthe grid you would like to print (can also use ARG for specifying what is being printed)FILE=festhe file on which to write the gridSTRIDE=5000the frequency with which the grid should be output to the filePrint quantities to a file. More detailsSTRIDE=1the frequency with which the quantities of interest should be outputARGthe input for this action is the scalar output from one or more other actionsFILE=COLVARthe name of the file on which to output these quantities