Project ID: plumID:19.077
Source: 12mer_NeNH.dat
Originally used with PLUMED version: 2.4
Stable: zipped raw stdout - zipped raw stderr - stderr
Master: zipped raw stdout - zipped raw stderr - stderr
#RESTARTMOLINFOThis command is used to provide information on the molecules that are present in your system. More detailsMOLTYPE=proteinwhat kind of molecule is contained in the pdb file - usually not needed since protein/RNA/DNA are compatibleSTRUCTURE=12mer.pdba file in pdb format containing a reference structure
#PEPTIDE DISTANCE# pep1 :COMCalculate the center of mass for a group of atoms. More detailsATOMS=1-197 d1 :the list of atoms which are involved the virtual atom's definitionDISTANCECalculate the distance between a pair of atoms. More detailsATOMS=3359,pep1the pair of atom that we are calculating the distance betweenCOMPONENTScalculate the x, y and z components of the distance separately and store them as labelNOPBCignore the periodic boundary conditions when calculating distances
##radius of gyration##GYRATIONCalculate the radius of gyration, or other properties related to it. More detailsTYPE=RADIUSThe type of calculation relative to the Gyration Tensor you want to performATOMS=5,29,51,72,84,96,108,120,127,144,161,175the group of atoms that you are calculating the Gyration Tensor forLABEL=rga label for the action so that its output can be referenced in the input to other actions
ene :ENERGYCalculate the total potential energy of the simulation box. More detailsMETAD...Used to performed metadynamics on one or more collective variables. More detailsARG=enethe input for this action is the scalar output from one or more other actionsPACE=5000the frequency for hill additionBIASFACTOR=10.0use well tempered metadynamics and use this bias factorHEIGHT=2.0the heights of the Gaussian hillsSIGMA=250the widths of the Gaussian hillsGRID_MIN=-6000000.000000the lower bounds for the gridGRID_MAX=-5000000.000000the upper bounds for the gridFILE=HILLS ... METADa file in which the list of added hills is stored
wall1 :UPPER_WALLSDefines a wall for the value of one or more collective variables, More detailsARG=d1.zthe arguments on which the bias is actingAT=7.0the positions of the wallKAPPA=1500the force constant for the wallMETAD...Used to performed metadynamics on one or more collective variables. More detailsARG=d1.z,rgthe input for this action is the scalar output from one or more other actionsPACE=500the frequency for hill additionBIASFACTOR=10.0use well tempered metadynamics and use this bias factorHEIGHT=2.0the heights of the Gaussian hillsSIGMA=0.01,0.02the widths of the Gaussian hillsGRID_MIN=0.0,0.0the lower bounds for the gridGRID_MAX=20.0,10.0the upper bounds for the gridFILE=HILLS_MTDa file in which the list of added hills is storedLABEL=cvbias ... METADa label for the action so that its output can be referenced in the input to other actionsPrint quantities to a file. More detailsARGthe input for this action is the scalar output from one or more other actionsSTRIDE=250the frequency with which the quantities of interest should be outputFILE=COLVARthe name of the file on which to output these quantities