Project ID: plumID:19.060
Source: 3_ala4/simulation/plumed.dat
Originally used with PLUMED version: 2.5
Stable: zipped raw stdout - zipped raw stderr - stderr
Master: zipped raw stdout - zipped raw stderr - stderr
# vim:ft=plumedEnables syntax highlighting for PLUMED files in vim. See here for more details.LOADLoads a library, possibly defining new actions. More detailsFILE=../../0_code/NeuralNetworkVes.cppfile to be loaded
phi1:TORSIONCalculate a torsional angle. More detailsATOMS=5,7,9,15 phi2:the four atoms involved in the torsional angleTORSIONCalculate a torsional angle. More detailsATOMS=15,17,19,25 phi3:the four atoms involved in the torsional angleTORSIONCalculate a torsional angle. More detailsATOMS=25,27,29,35 psi1:the four atoms involved in the torsional angleTORSIONCalculate a torsional angle. More detailsATOMS=7,9,15,17 psi2:the four atoms involved in the torsional angleTORSIONCalculate a torsional angle. More detailsATOMS=17,19,25,27 psi3:the four atoms involved in the torsional angleTORSIONCalculate a torsional angle. More detailsATOMS=27,29,35,37the four atoms involved in the torsional angle
# the following is a fake example using the grid-based version # see below ENDPLUMED for the MC-based version used in the paperNN_VES... TEMP=300.0 LABEL=bias ARG=phi1,phi2,phi3,psi1,psi2,psi3 NODES=96,48,24 OPTIM=ADAM ACTIVATION=RELU GRID_MIN=-pi,-pi,-pi,-pi,-pi,-pi GRID_MAX=pi,pi,pi,pi,pi,pi GRID_BIN=10,10,10,10,10,10 # set to 10 to avoid std_bad_alloc AVE_STRIDE=500 PRINT_STRIDE=100 TARGET_STRIDE=1 LRATE=0.001 GAMMA=10 TAU_KL=100000 DECAY=2000 ADAPTIVE_DECAY=20 ... NN_VESThis action is not part of PLUMED and was included by using a LOAD command More detailsPrint quantities to a file. More detailsARGthe labels of the values that you would like to print to the fileSTRIDE=100the frequency with which the quantities of interest should be outputFILE=COLVARthe name of the file on which to output these quantitiesENDPLUMED# The following input is related to the MC-based version used in the paper. This is not compatible with newer plumed versions, if you want to try it you should use the code NeuralNetworkVes_ORIGINAL.cpp. NN_VES ... TEMP=300.0 LABEL=bias ARG=phi1,phi2,phi3,psi1,psi2,psi3 NODES=96,48,24 OPTIM=ADAM ACTIVATION=RELU GRID_MIN=-pi,-pi,-pi,-pi,-pi,-pi GRID_MAX=pi,pi,pi,pi,pi,pi GRID_BIN=300,300,300,300,300,300 AVE_STRIDE=500 PRINT_STRIDE=100 TARGET_STRIDE=1 LRATE=0.001 GAMMA=10 TAU_KL=100000 MODE_DECAY=4 DECAY_STEP_START=10000 DECAY=2000 ADAPTIVE_DECAY=20 MC_POINTS=20000 MC_SIGMA=0.5,0.5,0.5,0.5,0.5,0.5 CALC_MC_ERR=0 MC_CONVERGENCE_TEST=0 L2_weight=0.2 SERIAL CALC_RCT ... NN_VESTerminate plumed input. More details